How It Works

We have two simple ways that you can change people’s lives by sharing our Life on Fire Challenge.

Have a conversation with your friends & family members and share your experience with them.  Share why you LOVE Life on Fire and think that they will too.

Once you have them interested you can then have them sign up on our Life on Fire Challenge Sales page that has all of the information to make a decision.

Simply share this link with your friends and family via email or social media and help them jump on board:

Share our free training called the 67-Minute Motivation Challenge via email and on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others.

During this free training I share our incredible training and then make the offer at the end.  This is a great way to add value for your prospects and ultimately make sales.

Here’s your link to share:

We pay commission on the 15th of every month. It’s important to know that we also have to wait for the 30 day refund period to pass by as well. So if you make a sale today…then we need 30 days for the refund period to pass…then you’ll get paid on the next 15th of the month.

[email protected] will ask you for your paypal email address and send over your commissions.

***If your prospect refunds within the 30 days, then there’s no commission to pay out. We’re REALLY good at over delivering so when you bring them in, we’ll take great care of them and ensure that they get results and that YOU get paid 🙂

Yes – but you have to use our Life on Fire approved graphics that are included in the Social Media Examples section.

YES! This is one of the best ways to promote and bring in a lot of sales. We can partner on a webinar for your audience if you any of these requirements:

You’re able to generate at least 1,000 clicks
You can get 100+ people on a live webinar

Also – if you have an event with 100+ people Nick can add value as a keynote speaker and offer the Life on Fire Challenge and help you make sales.

If you meet any of these requirements please email [email protected] to work out the details and get on Nick’s calendar.

Yes! Feel free to write about it on your website & blog. You can even write articles on sites like & Huffington Post

  • Absolutely NO negative ads
  • Example – Is the Life on Fire Challenge a scam?

Negative ads are a lousy way to get traffic and hurt our brand and long term mission.

Any Ambassadors caught using negative ads will be permanently banned and potentially face legal action.

Questions and Support:

If you have specific questions please email [email protected]